Are you looking for ways to make your property more attractive to prospective commercial tenants? If so, you’ve come to the right place. There are many things you can do to help your property beat out the competition and we’ll discuss them in this blog. So, let’s get started…
1. A Beautiful Exterior
Let’s talk about the exterior first because it’s literally the first thing that prospective tenants see. The exterior of the property should look clean and well taken care of. This means that overgrown shrubs should be trimmed back. Anything that needs a fresh coat of paint should get one. And landscaping should be a priority beyond just regular mowing. You want the exterior to really invite prospective tenants in. You may want to add extras too like walking paths or structural features such as a gazebo.
2. A Clean and Well-Maintained Interior
We talked about how the exterior should look well taken care of, the interior should be the same. Things should be clean and in good working condition. You should also have the property inspected for any potential safety issues. Beyond that, consider the paint colors on your property. The colors you choose will have a lot to do with what type of business you want to attract. For example, if you’re looking to rent out the property to a professional business, then you may want to stick to colors such as whites, blues, and greys.
3. An Inviting Entryway
After the exterior, the entryway will be the next place prospective tenants will view. We recommend bringing the plant life into this area with some nice potted plants, just make sure they’re regularly maintained so they stay beautiful. You can also opt for very realistic artificial flowers but real plants are always nicer. If you want to further improve this area, consider hanging some attractive pieces of artwork as well.
4. Modernized Kitchens and Bathrooms
Of course, you want all of the areas of your building to look clean and well-maintained, but you should pay close attention to your kitchen and bathrooms. You want the break area to be well equipped and beautiful. This is where people will enjoy a breather away from work, so you want it to offer all of the conveniences people are looking for. And, when it comes to your bathrooms, these should be modern and sparkling.
5. Added Amenities
There are all sorts of amenities you can consider adding to your commercial property. Remember to consider the business you’re trying to attract when choosing these amenities. Also, take a look at the space you have to work with. Do you have an area you can convert into a fitness center or a conference room? Can you create a space for childcare? Do you have an area that can be rented out to a food vendor?
6. Security Features
Up your security. People want to feel safe while on the job. And you can bet prospective tenants will take notice of this. Door and window locks should be in good working condition. There shouldn’t be overgrown shrubbery in the parking lot which can provide places for burglars or attackers to hide. The parking lot should be well lit. You can also consider smart locks and video cameras for added security. Depending on the location and the type of business, you may even consider having gated access.
7. Natural Lighting
Natural lighting is wonderful and most businesses will appreciate it. See how you can add more of it to your property. Lots of windows can be a great way to bring this into your rental.
8. Energy-savings
Most tenants will appreciate energy-savings initiatives, especially if they save them money on utilities. Have you upgraded to LED lighting yet? Did you consider using motion detector lights so that they’re only used when someone is in the room? Have your windows been upgraded to energy-efficient ones? Take time to really consider what type of Earth-friendly improvements you can make, then make sure to highlight these in the commercial listing.
There are plenty of ways to attract prospective tenants. It really comes down to beautifying properties inside and out as well as offering amenities they want to see. What upgrades will you make to bring more tenants your way?
Beyond improvements, there’s another way to help increase your investment, and that is partnering with us at PMI. We can help you maximize your marketing and investment. In addition, we can help you find those ideal tenants and once they’ve signed your lease, we continue working for you, helping to keep tenants satisfied. Please reach out to us to learn more about what we can offer. We’d love to talk with you. You can visit our website here: or email us at: .