The fact of the matter is, if you’re a part of an HOA board, you’re passionate enough about the association to want to be involved in it. You don’t want to just sit back as a homeowner, you want to see your community thrive. In order to make an association successful, you have to think with a community mindset. That means thinking of what’s best for the entire association.
Often, we get so excited about our own personal goals and how things affect us, we forget to think of the community as a whole. But when you’re on the HOA board, you need to be more open-minded in your decision-making process. You need to think outside yourself and be willing to consider your neighbors, including the ones you may not like.
So what can you do? First, when making decisions, you need to consider how everyone else feels. When community members share their thoughts on a subject, you need to listen with an open ear. Don’t put up the walls immediately. Try to consider what everyone has to say on the subject at hand. You need to carefully consider the feedback of homeowners. Invite and welcome their feedback, then take time to sift through it. See if there are patterns in what people desire within the community. Look for ways you can make the community better with the ideas that were submitted.
Another way to maintain a community-first mindset is to keep the lines of communication open. Community members want to know what’s going on and it’s the job of the board to keep them informed. Make use of various tech tools to let homeowners know about new and upcoming projects, rules, public meetings, events, and more.
Don’t forget to keep your community satisfied with the right amenities. For example, have you considered what your common areas offer community members? And, are they well maintained?
You also need to think about the safety of your community. Do you have well-lit parking lots and sidewalks to help residents feel safe after dark? And what about community events? Routine get-togethers are a great way to boost morale and build camaraderie between neighbors.
When it comes down to it, a community-first mindset means considering the wants and needs of the people in your HOA, instead of pursuing your own personal agenda. By always considering what’s best for the homeowners in your association, you can establish a relationship built on trust. If you need help managing your homeowner’s association, please reach out to us at PMI: We’d love to help!